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  1. Replies

    Re: Installing extension fails

    We do not know what version of Ubuntu you are using. Do you have the universe repository enabled? Open Software & Updates>Ubuntu Software and tick the box "Community maintained free and open source...
  2. Re: 24.04 - CPU throttling after running on battery

    Your Intel i7 CPU has 4 cores. Are they all running at 100%? On Ubuntu 24.04 LTS System Settings>Power offers 3 settings - Performance; Balanced & Power Saver. Which setting is your machine running...
  3. Re: Brasero unable to open ISO files

    Startup Disk Creator on 24.04 does not recognise a DVD as a target to burn an ISO image to.

    My guess is that the DVD disc is too small for Ubuntu 24.04. The Tutorial for downloading and installing...
  4. Re: Why VLC is not installed in worldwide distributions initially

    There is another form of politics going on here. Ubuntu uses the Gnome 3 desktop environment and the Gnome 3 shell user interface. Ubuntu also default installs many Gnome applications. These Gnome...
  5. [lubuntu] Re: Is there a way to use apt via a SD card when wireless fails?

    All this may seem obvious to you but it is not obvious to us. What version or flavour of Ubuntu is on that machine? Assuming it is Ubuntu, I ask what does system settings/WiFi show you? Is the laptop...
  6. [ubuntu_mate] Re: Can the list of available ethernet accounts be cleaned up?

    It occurs to me that the reason your good neighbours have the the WiFi networks of your bad neighbours showing up is that at some point your good neighbours have tried to access those WiFi access...
  7. Re: goarted dependencies not installing

    The fact that 16.10 is out of support is the reason you are getting those "failed to fetch" messages. The internet addresses to those repositories are wrong because the 16.10 repositories have been ...
  8. [ubuntu] Re: I Can't access to my WIndows partition after installing Ubuntu

    Welcome to Ubuntu forums

    We do like to know what version of Ubuntu you are using. All things about Linux Ubuntu are being improved all the time and different versions sometimes do things...
  9. [ubuntu_mate] Re: Can the list of available ethernet accounts be cleaned up?

    I am not familiar with the Mate desktop environment but I doubt very much that it offers a list of ethernet accounts. Perhaps you mean WiFi. Ethernet is a direct cable connection between the computer...
  10. Replies

    Re: Install Power ISO in Ubuntu

    This is what the original poster is talking about.

    Ubuntu comes with a utility to burn ISO images to USB memory sticks. It is called...
  11. [ubuntu] Re: Ver 24.04 Looking for way to pick destination drive, of 5 drives.

    The selection of Manual Installation should show you a graphic of the drives on the system. Select the drive you want Ubuntu to install on. It will not be so obvious that the drive has been selected...
  12. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: New Ubuntu 24.04 Laptop

    Or, on 24.04 open System Settings>System>Users. To add a new user you will have already got this far and know how to unlock this part of the utility with the password set when the system was first...
  13. Replies

    [SOLVED] Re: tty 2 question

    My simple minded understanding is that the boot loader loads Linux on tty1 and as stated above the gdm3 login screen. Then when we login the system switches to tty2 where the desktop environment and...
  14. Re: Trying to fix a hard drive; prompted need permissions...

    It would be nice to know what version of Ubuntu you are using and what version of Ubuntu you were using when you used this drive as a backup?

    Does the Disks utility see this drive and show the...
  15. Re: reinstalling ubuntu 24.04 to replace 22.04 install

    That is correct. We have to work our way through the options. Eventually, we get to a screen that offers an Interactive Installation or Automatic Installation. We choose Interactive Installation. We...
  16. Re: HELP: Abnormal BIOS Boot Entry

    The first character is the Latin capital A with OGONEX. In hexadecimal it is u + 104. In decimal it is 260

    Libreoffice writer>special characters>Latin-1

    What the two characters represent in...
  17. [ubuntu] Re: Can't turn on battery percentage

    Have you tried? System Settings>Power - scroll down to General and move the slider labelled Show Battery Percentage. It works on 24.04 for me.

  18. [ubuntu] Re: Dual boot with home on a external HDD

    If you do decide to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu on the same drive remember to use Windows tools to work on Windows file systems/partitions. Defrag Windows before and after expanding/shrinking/moving...
  19. Re: Upgrade 22.04 to 24.04 using Live "CD"

    I should of thought of it hours ago. I use a command to change the internet addresses of the Ubuntu repositories to go from the latest version of Ubuntu to the next version of Ubuntu under...
  20. [ubuntu] Re: how to trouble shoot/reinstall chinese language and IME using command

    Did you use the Ubuntu utility called Language Support? That will allow us to install Chinese (simplified). Do you have a Chinese keyboard? You may also need to go to system settings>keyboard and add...
  21. Re: Al instalar Aplicaciones, pide la contraseña, la escribo y da error de Autenticac

    This is what google translate offers:

  22. Re: Upgrade 22.04 to 24.04 using Live "CD"

    The -d switch will upgrade Ubuntu to the development version. Ubuntu 24.04 is no longer a development version. So, it is not possible to use the -d switch to upgrade 22.04 LTS to 24.04 development...
  23. [ubuntu] Re: Fresh Ubuntu 24.04 install on dual boot windows 10 / ubuntu 23.10 : lost windows

    I am not educated enough to understand all that the boot repair summary says. But it seems to me that you have Windows in BIOS/Compatibility mode (Legacy Windows) and Ubuntu in UEFI mode.

  24. Re: Double screen problem Ubuntu 23.10

    You do not say which version of Ubuntu you are on. I have used Ubuntu 23.10 and am now using 24.04 LTS I have had no problems using system settings>screen display to either join or mirror an second...
  25. [SOLVED] Re: No development version of an LTS available

    The official upgrade path from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will not be open for another 6 months, or there about. At that time Software Updater will offer an upgrade to the latest LTS...
Results 1 to 25 of 250
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