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Thread: Got an iPhone 4!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    I've had an iPhone 4 for 3 weeks now... and I can easily say it is by far the most amazing hand held device I have ever seen or used. It truly is fantastic...

    The screen quality... WOW
    - "Make me a coffee..."
    - "No"
    - "sudo make me a coffee"
    - "OK"

  2. #32
    pwnst*r is offline Gee! These Aren't Roasted!
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    Quote Originally Posted by JBAlaska View Post
    I recently saw a copy of the movie inception that was cammed in 720p by a iphone 4 (piracy is bad...m-kay) other than a case of the shakes the cammer had, the quality was amazing! I guess the MPAA will be wanting to ban these puppies soon..
    I guess as long as you don't think you watched Inception in HD, yeah, cool.

  3. #33
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cam! View Post
    Yes it can. I viewed my Twitter home page, and needed to check my E-Mail. When I went back, the page automatically refreshed with more recent tweets from people.
    Yes, it refreshed after you opened it. It can't do anything like that while in the background.

  4. #34
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    Quote Originally Posted by NCLI View Post
    Yes, it refreshed after you opened it. It can't do anything like that while in the background.
    No, I mean, the page updated itself before I switched back to Twitter. It seems like you're fishing for random "LOL I DONT LIKE APPLE" excuses.

  5. #35
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    I have a Nokia N900, which is not the sort of phone you would buy if you were considering an iphone4, but it is immensely powerful.

    I do like the IP4 - the screen is nice, and iOS is very polished and slick. The design of the handset it is also fantastic. However, I don't like Apple's behaviour to it's users - I find it quite controlling, and I don't like that! If I pay good money for a product, I want it to be MINE! I want to OWN it, not feel like it's on lease, and used within the terms and conditions of Apple rather than just the Law.

    Which is all rather a shame as the device is terrific.

    On the other hand, hopefully this will be coming sometime soon:



  6. #36
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    The iPhone 4's screen is nice. It's nice to see that iOS 4 has finally reached feature parity with Android, as well.

    I think this market will even out a lot more in the coming months, and the competition will heat up as the differences become fewer. Android phones will almost always be a lower price, however, and the AT&T deal isn't making people very happy either.

    People are already all over Android in the popular media, the same way that people choose Windows because it's cheaper and they don't wanna' be 'one of those gay guys with a Mac'. Really, Android has appealed to the majority of users, and the markets who would like an iPhone are still more likely today to buy an Android phone. Then they find they're not at all settling for less.

    But yeah, as far as iPhones go, iPhone4 is very nice, and the display is amazing. Hopefully the Linux for iPhone team gets Android working on those phones as well.

    It's a very good phone, regardless. The best is debatable, however. Don't let that shiny partially eaten Apple fool you.

  7. #37
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cam! View Post
    No, I mean, the page updated itself before I switched back to Twitter. It seems like you're fishing for random "LOL I DONT LIKE APPLE" excuses.
    No, not really. it's just what I've heard from various reviewers. I dislike Apple for their business practices though.

  8. #38
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    i used it, didn't like it. reminded me too much of the old iphone. lack of functionality.
    Just hand me my pitchfork and torch.

  9. #39
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    Quote Originally Posted by NCLI View Post
    The application/IM client can send you a push notification when you've received a new message, yes. However, once you open that app to look at this new message/twit/whatever, it first has to download this from the server, it can't do it in the background, AFAIK.
    Actually, there's a "background task completion" service that allows you to run arbitrary threads in the background for up to 10 minutes before the OS forces it to quit. A lot of IM clients use that.

    On the upside, it limits any "battery draining" effects of backgrounding to 10 minutes worth of usage, but on the downside, it only lasts for 10 minutes and isn't suitable for keeping an IRC client open for hours.

    I think it's a good balance that captures the most important usecase for multitasking -- switching away from an app for a moment to take care of an email/text and being able to continue where you left off.
    Quote Originally Posted by tuxradar
    Linux's audio architecture is more like the layers of the Earth's crust than the network model, with lower levels occasionally erupting on to the surface, causing confusion and distress, and upper layers moving to displace the underlying technology that was originally hidden

  10. #40
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    Re: Got an iPhone 4!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duncan J Murray View Post
    However, I don't like Apple's behaviour to it's users - I find it quite controlling, and I don't like that! If I pay good money for a product, I want it to be MINE! I want to OWN it, not feel like it's on lease, and used within the terms and conditions of Apple rather than just the Law.

    To be fair, Apple is not the only one, particularly in the mobile devices and handsets industry, to engage in the practice of restricting what can or can not be done on the appliance. In fact, a large subset of Android handsets sold by carriers also have signed bootloaders and other security mechanisms to prevent the user from loading on "unapproved" code.

    Certainly there's a lot of reasons why one'd want a deeper level of control over their products, but at some point, it does boil down to how much it actually hurts you in practice vs anything consumers gain from the practice.
    Quote Originally Posted by tuxradar
    Linux's audio architecture is more like the layers of the Earth's crust than the network model, with lower levels occasionally erupting on to the surface, causing confusion and distress, and upper layers moving to displace the underlying technology that was originally hidden

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